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Animation and Visualization

  1. Algorithm Animation using Shape Analysis: Visualising Abstract Executions
    D. Johannes, R. Seidel, and R. Wilhelm
    SoftVis '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Software visualization, 2005. [doi]  [bib]
  2. Algorithm Explanation: Visualizing Abstract States and Invariants
    R. Wilhelm, T. Müldner, and R. Seidel
    Software Visualization, Springer Verlag, 2002. [bib]
  3. Animation of the Generation and Computation of Finite Automata for Learning Software
    B. Braune, S. Diehl, A. Kerren, and R. Wilhelm
    4th Intl. Workshop on Implementing Automata, 2001. [bib]
  4. Focusing in Algorithm Explanation
    B. Braune, and R. Wilhelm
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 6 (1), 2000. [bib]
  5. Visualisierung und Animation der semantischen Analyse von Programmen
    A. Kerren
    Informatica Didactica, 1 (1), 2000. [url]  [bib]
  6. Focussing in Algorithm Explanation
    R. Wilhelm, and B. Braune
    Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 6 (1), 2000. [bib]
  7. Animation der semantischen Analyse
    A. Kerren
    In Proceedings of 8. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (in German), 1999. [bib]
  8. Object-Oriented Animations with VRML++
    S. Diehl
    Proceedings of Virtual Environments 98 Conference and 4th Eurographics Workshop, 1998. [ps]  [bib]
  9. Visualizing Principles of Abstract Machines by Generating Interactive Animations
    S. Diehl, and T. Kunze
    Proceedings of Workshop on Principles of Abstract Machines, Pisa, Italy,, 1998. [bib]
  10. GANIMAM: Generierung interaktiver Animationen von Abstrakten Maschinen
    S. Diehl, T. Kunze, and A. Placzek
    Proceedings of Smalltalk und Java in Industrie und Ausbildung STJA'97, 1997. [bib]
  11. CLaX—A Visualized Compiler
    G. Sander, M. Alt, C. Ferdinand, and R. Wilhelm
    Graph Drawing, Workshop GD'95, 1995. [bib]