Embedded Software Product-based Assurance
General Information
The usual process-based and testing-intensive paradigm for software quality assurance is now reaching its limits in the industrial application. Static analysis techniques emerge as the most promising verification approach for the industrial pratice.
ES_PASS targets the dissemination, the improvement, the integration, and the deployment of static analysis verification techniques in the industrial domain of safety critical embedded systems.
ES_PASS stems from the following observations:
- The usual software quality assurance process based on the compliance with a qualified process is now reaching its limits. In particular, current verification and validation methods, mainly based on testing, will hardly scale up at acceptable costs for future systems. So, a new and complementary approach shall emerge, focused on the product rather than the process .
- Static analysis techniques are the most promising candidates to support this paradigm shift, from process-based assurance to product-based assurance, at European level. Two convincing arguments support this statement: the excellence of European academic research in this area and the maturity of these techniques which are already implemented in tools. ES_PASS considers that static analysis represents a strong opportunity for Europe to guide and take the lead of this evolution .
- The market of verification tools is now ready for the adoption of static analysis techniques. So, ES_PASS is expected to serve as a driving factor for this market .
ES_PASS major results are expected in the following areas:
- Improved static analysis techniques and tools covering a spectrum of applications and properties compatible with actual industrial needs.
- Improved engineering processes integrating static analysis in industrial domains where confidence in the quality of software is fundamental and must be shared with certification authorities.
- Evidences on the compliance of static analysis techniques and tools with dependability objectives, industrial standards, cost effectiveness and instrustrial applicability.
- Build-up of engineering know-how and good practises by cross-fertilization among research and instustrial teams.
Technology and tools for verification of critical properties in software are to be provided by the Technology Providers to the Industrial Domains. With the benefit of the experience in the development of critical systems, industry sectors bring requirements, evaluate the tools, and assess their impacts on engineering processes. Technology providers improve the industrial-strength technology to allow the cross-fertilized dissemination. The Compiler Design Lab at Saarland University and AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH are involved in the ES_PASS project for the safe estimation of worst-case execution times (WCET) and the worst-case stack consumption.
ES_PASS project is supported by the Information Technology for European Advancement (ITEA2). It started on September 1, 2007 and will last for two years.
Technology Providers
- AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH (German software enterprise)
- CEA-LIST (French institute)
- Ecole Normale Supérieure (French laboratory)
- EADS CCR (French Corporate Research Center)
- CNRS FéRIA federation (IRIT and ONERA French laboratories)
- Fraunhofer FIRST (German institute)
- Compiler Design Lab (Saarland University)
- Technical University of Munich (German laboratory)
- Tel-Aviv University (Israeli laboratory)
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spanish laboratory)
Industrial Domains
- Aeronautics:
- Automotive:
- Space:
- Railways transportation:
- IFB Berlin