Articles Wanted

Gail Schultz (
Mon, 9 Mar 1998 15:44:10 -0400

As you may have seen at VRML '98, VRML Developer's Journal is a reality. In
order to keep it flourishing, we are looking for articles on all areas of
VRML. At this time, I would like to invite anyone with a proposal to
contact me directly about publication in the Journal. All ideas are
welcome. The second issue is just about complete but I have openings in
all future issues.

VRML Developer's Journal is a bimonthly publication. VRDJ pays between $75
and $100 per printed page, not counting figures, screenshots, graphics or
other illustrative material. Payment is on publication and there are no
cancellation fees.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Gail Schultz

Gail S. Schultz
Managing Editor
SYS-CON Publications, Inc.
914 735-7300