Improving the Precision of WCET Analysis by Input Constraints and Model-derived Flow Constraints


Hard real-time embedded systems are subject to stringent timing constraints. The proof of their satisfaction requires upper bounds on the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks. Timing analysis based on static analysis guarantees safe upper bounds on the WCET derived from an overapproximation of all possible program executions.

Methods based on static analysis and the corresponding tools have proved successful in industrial practise. They are in routine use in parts of the avionics and the automotive domains. However, system characteristics in these two domains could even be better exploited to further improve the precision of timing analysis. The two characteristics regarded in this chapter are operating modes and Matlab Simulink/Stateflow models.

Paper: To appear.

BibTeX information

 author={Reinhard Wilhelm and Philipp Lucas and Oleg Parshin and Lili Tan and
  Bj\"orn Wachter},
 title={Improving the Precision of {WCET} Analysis by Input Constraints and
  Model-derived Flow Constraints},
 booktitle={Advances in Real-Time Systems},
 editor={Samarjit Chakraborty and J\"org Ebersp\"acher},
 note={To appear.}

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Author: Philipp Lucas.