All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


access. Variable in class lib.Node
how to access a variable or method
addEdge(Node). Method in class lib.Node
This method adds an edge from this node to dest.


children. Variable in class lib.Node
the children of the node are stored here
className. Variable in class lib.ClassNode
the name of the class
classNode. Variable in class lib.Node
pointer to the associated ClassNode
ClassNode(String). Constructor for class lib.ClassNode
This constructor simply initializes the object fields.
createFile(String, Node). Static method in class lib.GDLVisualizer
To create a GDL-file, on has to call this function, which does everything needed.


data. Variable in class lib.Node
any data to be stored in the node
decl. Variable in class lib.Node
a reference to the declaration


etype. Variable in class lib.Node
if this node is part of an expression, the type is store here


getChild(int). Method in class lib.Node
Returns idxth child of the node.
getChildrenSize(). Method in class lib.Node
Returns the number of children.
getClass(Node). Static method in class lib.Util
Returns the class, i.e.
getClassName(Node). Static method in class lib.Util
Returns the name of the class, the given node is contained in.
getID(). Method in class lib.Node
Returns the unique ID of the node.
getMethod(Node). Static method in class lib.Util
Returns the method, i.e.


id. Variable in class lib.Node
the node's ID


lineNo. Variable in class lib.Node
line number in source program


memberTable. Variable in class lib.ClassNode
the set of all variables declared in this class
methodTable. Variable in class lib.ClassNode
the set of all methods declared in this class


nextID. Static variable in class lib.Node
next usable free ID
Node(int). Constructor for class lib.Node
The constructor creates a new instance of the object Node of type type and initializes some fields.
Node(int, int). Constructor for class lib.Node
The constructor creates a new instance of the object Node of type type and initializes some fields.
Node(int, Object). Constructor for class lib.Node
The constructor creates a new instance of the object Node of type type and initializes some fields, especially the data-member is set to data.
Node(int, Object, int). Constructor for class lib.Node
The constructor creates a new instance of the object Node of type type and initializes some fields, especially the data-member is set to data.


offset. Variable in class lib.Node
address of local variable relative to stack frame


parent. Variable in class lib.ClassNode
points to the parent of the class, i.e.
parent. Variable in class lib.Node
the parent


setWriteDecls(boolean). Static method in class lib.GDLVisualizer
If writeDecls is set to true via this method, decl-edges are also written.


T_AND. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_ASSIGN. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_BREAK. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_CALL. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_CASE. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_CLASS. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_CLASSBODY. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_CONSTANT. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_DEFAULT. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_DIMENSION. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_DIV. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_DOWHILE. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_DUMMY. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_EQ. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_FOR. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_GEQ. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_GRE. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_IF. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_INT. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_LEQ. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_LESS. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_LIST. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_LOAD. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_LOCAL. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_METHBODY. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_METHCALL. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_METHDEC. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_MINUS. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_MOD. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_MUL. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_NEQ. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_NEW. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_NOT. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_NULL. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_OR. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_PLUS. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_RETURN. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_STATIC. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_STORE. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_STRING. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_SWITCH. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_THIS. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_UMINUS. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_VAR. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_VARDEC. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_VARSPEC. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_VIRTUAL. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_VOID. Static variable in class lib.Types
T_WHILE. Static variable in class lib.Types
toJVMArglistType(Node). Static method in class lib.Util
Takes the argument list of a method as input an creates a string that encodes the types of the arguments.
toJVMClassName(String). Static method in class lib.Util
Converts a classname, i.e.
toJVMName(String). Static method in class lib.Util
Converts a composed name, i.e.
toJVMType(Node, Node). Static method in class lib.Util
Converts a type to a string, i.e.
toString(int). Static method in class lib.Types
This method can be used to convert the type of a Node object, which is an int, to a String.
type. Variable in class lib.Node
the type of the node as defines in Types
Types(). Constructor for class lib.Types


Util(). Constructor for class lib.Util


GDLVisualizer(). Constructor for class lib.GDLVisualizer