Re: Charter

John D. Gwinner (
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 10:01:16 -0400

> > To this aim, I think someone from the working group should also be on
> > binary working group, so that it would be possible to have a small,
> > file format.
> But at the moment a preprocessor to be
> designed in our WG should produce VRML 2.0 code and not
> the binary format.

Good point -- it should be trivial to produce the 2.0 code and then run it
through the binary converter anyway. I just don't want to see ourselves
painted into a corner (unless the paint is an object being operator+'d to
the floor <G>)

I'm not on the Bin WG, and I've lost the bubble on it's status. Haven't
looked really hard though.

== John ==