Re: Methods vs. ROUTEs

Stephan Diehl (
Wed, 09 Apr 1997 12:33:25 +0200

(Forgive me, that I post so much on this list. I just want
to get the discussions started.)

I think Johannes' work goes into the direction suggested
by Curtis Beeson: Look at practical examples and analyze
what is needed.

Johannes, I'd like to see an example of your templates,
how do you implement them at the moment. Do you have
more examples besides the Spin-Object?

Johannes N. Johannsen wrote:
>For the patterns I am detecting (very simple ones), the ROUTEs
>connecting a set of nodes define a higher level animation object. For
>example, I need to detect if a Transform node is spinning. To do this,
>I find the ROUTEs connecting the TimeSensor to OrientationInterpolator
>to Transform. The template I use to describe this pattern is very
>similar to the VRML++ connection class.
>Once that is found, a more restricted form (for spinning) is detected.
>But at this point, the object in my program is an Spin object -- it is
>associated with a Transform, has an axis of rotation and a few other
>fields. It doesn't have any TimeSensor or OrientationInterpolator.
>Those are implementation details that I have to worry about when it
>comes time to generate VRML.
>One reason I have to use ROUTEs alone to identify the higher level
>patterns (objects) is that the lower level nodes implementing those
>patterns (TimeSensors and interpolators), can be shared among several
>higher level patterns. For example, the same TimeSensor can many
>different animations.

-- Stephan

Dr. Stephan Diehl Tel.: ++49-681/302-3915
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